This photo was taken 48 hours after arriving home. The first few days were a mix of everything...exhaustion (jet lag had me up at 4:30AM the first morning), euphoria, and "ooohhhh, that's right" moments (as in; "oohhh, that's right, you can't put a 2 years olds' crib next to a window shade" and "ooohhh, that's right, safety gates"!). It's been a while since I had to have the safety radar on 24/7! And then there was the issue of the dog. We figured she would be a bit hesitant....and perhaps have never seen a dog. However, we were unprepared for her to be completely terrified of the dog. She did not want to even see the dog across the room and she especially did not want to be sniffed or have the dog actually look at her! Six weeks later, we can report that Sarah the Dog is one of her favorites. Every morning Ana wakes up with new enthusiasm for the dog, pointing her out and making "woof-woof" noises to communicate. Sarah, is, however, getting a little pudgy around the middle. The constant flow of Ritz crackers and other treats "falling" from the high chair is catching up to her.
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