Monday, July 5, 2010

Ana Learns Mothering

Right away, we gave Ana some dollies. For a while she called them "La-La's", then they were called "babies". She really loves babies; both real ones and her doll babies. She keeps a couple in her crib. Each morning we hear her singing and talking in her crib and then eventually she starts calling "Mama!, Dada!" when she's ready to get up. This morning Matt went in to get her up and something very sweet occurred. He asked her; "Is your baby (doll) still sleeping?". She answered in the affirmative, "Yeah", with her cute little smile. Then she bent down and tucked her dolly in. After standing back up and lifting her arms for Matt to pick her up she got this "Oh, wait a minute" look on her face...she bent back down and kissed her baby doll on the forehead. Not only was this all adorable behavior but it occurred to us that this was all learned behavior since coming to live with us. In the orphanage, there was no tucking in and kissing good night. There may have been a few dollies but there was no concept of a Mommy and a baby, of nurturing love for that matter. We don't doubt that the children's physical needs were met there, but with 100+ children, emotional needs simply can't be addressed. So we are rejoicing in her happiness, her laughter, and her love of "babies". We are praising her and encouraging her that she will be a great Mommy one day!

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